How do you make your organizational culture a strategic advantage? Every organization has a culture; most are unintentional.
It’s time to dig deep into the culture you have and determine which aspects help you succeed and how to reinforce those. You can build a lasting competitive advantage in hiring, retention, business development, and operations to support long-term success.
What are your core values?
How well are they expressed in daily actions?
What would improve if more people honored those values more often?
As your partner in building culture, we help you understand the values people experience working in and with your organization—both as employees and as customers—and how well that aligns with your goals. Clear and compelling core values can serve as a rallying cry for organizational transformation. They can spur a period of growth and engagement for your teams as they align on behaviors and systems that support your values. If you have core values, we help you make the leap from statements on a page to daily experiences of those values in your organization. Let’s design your processes and systems to honor and build those values.
Retain our culture as we grow
Energize and engage every team member— at all levels of leadership
Increase attraction and retention of great talent
Raise the bar on the quality of our interactions to better serve customers and each other
Move culture from a values presentation for external use, to a powerful force for motivating the whole organization
Engage the organization in defining our core values and how we will implement them
Develop core values statements and clarity around behaviors and the emotional experience of your organization
Assess human systems (hiring, performance, reporting, meetings, etc.) and how to align them to core values
Weed out cultural values you are trying to change and design new artifacts, rituals, and lore to reinforce the ones you want to keep and grow.
Engage employees across the organization to implement and identify ways to make your organizational culture stronger and more effective for all team members
I view Transcend as part of the nervous system of our organization: helping us grow our people, connect better to employees across the organization, identifying and course-correcting challenges before they derail our progress, and helping identify and reinforce our core values to build a more effective culture.
- Wes Kelley, President and CEO, Huntsville Utilities
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