Team Management & Effectiveness: a man and a woman sitting at a table

Fearless Team Management

Is Your Team Leaving Too Much Value On The Table?

  • Are your leaders getting bogged down in arguments or turf battles, wasting time and
  • Is there confusion, resentment, or lack of clarity on your team about the goals, who is
    responsible, or how to make decisions?
  • What would it be like if your team fired on all cylinders, taking the best advantage of the
    strengths of all team members?

The Fearless Teams™ Program creates positive and productive team dynamics at all levels
through concept and skill-building and facilitated sessions to identify and resolve the specific
behaviors and mindsets keeping your team from performing at their best and develop the
team rhythms and rituals to continue learning and improving.


What makes a team effective?


What would change if this team performed better together?


What has to happen to make it a high-performing team?


As your partner in team management effectiveness, we facilitate collaboration among your key groups,
guiding them in identifying the essential components of a successful team, assessing their
current standing in these areas, and fostering trust-building to overcome communication
obstacles. Together, we establish shared expectations that propel the team forward, ensuring
alignment and enabling it to function as a high-performing unit

This is for you if your goals include:

Make my critical teams high performing

Break down silos and barriers to team performance

Identify and address barriers to team cohesion

Develop a culture of teamwork

Equip team leaders with the knowledge and skills to enhance team management processes

How we help you create team success:

Assess current team performance

Align team behaviors to a model for high performance

Develop team “Rules of Engagement” that define expectations, meeting cadence, and communication expectations

Engage employees across the organization in implementing your culture and identifying ways to make it stronger and more effective


Programs Offered

1. Intro to Fearless Teams™

One Full Day

The intro program sets your team on the path to becoming more Fearless and cohesive. You will receive a team assessment that illustrates where your team is functioning well, and where there are challenges to be addressed. We will work on the foundational element of trust, gather immediate team needs, and draft a set of Team Agreements with you. This can be used as a refresher or reteaming activity with teams who have new members or other significant changes.

2. Fearless Teams™ Kick Start

Three Half Days

The Kick Start program orients your team and builds the language and culture of high performance. You will receive a team assessment that illustrates where your team is operating well, and where there are issues to be addressed. We will work on the foundational elements of trust and productive conflict, build a team purpose statement, and develop a set of Team Agreements to address specific team needs.

3. Fearless Teams™ Program

Seven Half Days

The Fearless Teams™ program shifts the way your team achieves collective goals by leveraging the strengths of every member. You will receive a team assessment that illustrates where your team is performing, and where there are challenges to be addressed. We will work on the team goals and Team Agreements, followed by a half day on each of the five elements of a Fearless Team and how that integrates into your culture. We will then do a repeat assessment 6-12 months later and debrief on the progress made and continuing needs of the team.

Customer Testimonials

Get the Most Out of All Your Leaders
Let’s work together to achieve the high level of team performance you need.
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Team Management & Effectiveness: professions-trades-careers-employees-jobs-business-professionals-customer-service-business-meetings_t20_RzjGnd
Get the Most Out of All Your Leaders
Let’s work together to achieve the high level of team performance you need.
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